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How many children can I care for in my day home?


You can provide care for up to six (6) children at one time, under the age of thirteen (13), including:

  • no more than three (3) children under the age of three (3) at one time

  • no more than two (2) children under the age of two (2) at one time


Your children do not count in the ratio once they are aged over 36 months, however, spaces can be limited at the agency's discretion.  Based on experience and other factors, the agency may permit you to have an additional 3+ spot in lieu of your own child aged under 36 months.

What support and services are available to me?


As a registered educator with the agency, the following is a list of services and support that you can expect:

  • advertising and promotion of family day homes online and in the community

  • parent referrals, including individual contracting and follow up

  • fee collection and administration of contracted clients (including all forms needed for file)

  • guaranteed payment for contracted care

  • year end statements of provider earnings

  • year end receipts for clients

  • regular home visits supporting provincial standards

  • consultation on self employment / business management

  • facilitation of respite and back up care

  • general liability coverage ($5 million)

  • educator resources and support

  • mediation and support with clients

  • individual child care consultation

  • enrollment in provincial certification and programs

  • access to nationally recognized training programs

  • in home self-directed training

  • mentor visit with an established provider

  • group workshops

  • training to provincial requirements

  • administration of funding

  • subsidized annual educator conference

  • monthly educator newsletters

  • advocacy with government, regional and provincial child care associations

  • PD funding and Release Time funding (subject to approval)


What training is offered by the agency?


The agency supports family day home educators by offering at least 6 training opportunities per year. As a professional educator, you will be actively involved in your training. Core Training begins once you are contracted with us. You will be expected to attend 6 core training modules within the first 6 months of registering with us. If you have no level, it is a Provincial Standard that you complete the BaseCorps Online Orientation Course within 6 months of contracting with the agency. Also available are annual educator conferences, and free agency workshops.


What First Aid course should I register in?


A valid First Aid in Standard Child Care certificate must be maintained at all times. The Educators shall have a first aid kit in their home, and a portable one for outings.


To register for your First Aid in Child Care, you may call:


Breath For Life: 780-434-1368
Red Cross: 1-888-307-7997
St. John’s: 780-452-6161



Can I offer private care while running my day home?


No. All parents using the Family Day Home must be registered in order for you to be covered by our group insurance policy. Families benefit from being in a monitored and supported home as we assist you in meeting the developmental needs of all children in your care.


Can I set my own fees?


The agency has a recommended fee schedule. Being a self employed day home educator you have the option of setting your own fees.


Who needs to have a police clearance in my home?

Everyone living in the home over 18 years of age must have a police clearance and a child welfare record check.


To whom may I release the children in my care?


Educators shall release children only to their parent or guardian, or persons designated by the parent on the application form. Written permission is needed from the parent if anyone new is picking up the child.


Should I offer screen time in my day home?


The agency recommends no use of television, video and computer games for children aged 24 months and under.  For children above the age of two, screen time must be limited to a small amount of children’s educational programming and the content must be screened. Soap operas and other adult programs and games must not be viewed during child care hours.


What type of crib should I purchase?


Sleeping equipment must meet federal regulations and used according to manufacturers’ directions. Children under 12 months of age must sleep in a crib.


When should I wash my hands?


Hand washing is required:

  • before and after diapering / toileting a child

  • before and after cooking / eating

  • before feeding a child

  • before administering medication

  • before water / sensory play

  • after caring for an ill child / wiping noses

  • after handling pets

  • after outdoor play


What are the correct diapering procedures?


Diapering procedures are to follow established health guidelines and parents are asked to provide a separate non-porous change pad for their child. Further expectations for hygiene are:

  • the hand washing sink must be accessible by a non-skid stool

  • children’s personal care products must be stored separately

  • children’s bedding must be stored separately (and washed weekly)

  • each child must have own washcloth and towel or paper towels


How often should I wash toys, and with what type of cleaning solution?


Toys must be washed and disinfected on a regular basis, especially when children have colds or other illnesses. Infant and mouthing toys must be disinfected daily. Use a diluted bleach water ratio of 1:50.


What should I do if I suspect child abuse?

Educators must take the Online Little Warriors course within the first 6 months of contracting with the agency. They are required by law to report any suspected abuse or neglect as outlined.


You can contact the Child Abuse Hotline at 1 800 387 KIDS (5437).


What should I do with child care records?


Educators are required to retain all necessary documents relating to children currently in care. These records must remain confidential, and be returned to agency when the children leave care.


Can I transport children?


When transporting the children in a vehicle, the educator must have written permission from the parents. The educators shall ensure that children travel in government approved properly installed car seats. Educators must have a current operator’s license and carry sufficient liability car insurance (minimum 2 million dollars).


How do I ensure my home is safe for children?

Educators are required to ensure a safe environment for the children at all times. Some ways of safety proofing are:


  • general cleanliness of the home

  • rooms not safety proofed are locked securely

  • stairwells protected by a door or a gate

  • stairwells enclosed and have a railing

  • furnace area is clear to 3 feet

  • children are protected from: hot water tanks, furnaces, fireplaces, free standing or open stoves.

  • cupboards accessible to children are free from hazards: cleaning supplies, personal care products,

  • poisonous plants, medications, sharp utensils, small choking items.

  • accessible outlets are covered

  • cords (electrical, blinds etc) are inaccessible

  • floor coverings are to have non-skid backing

  • freezers and dryers are inaccessible

  • candles not burned during care hours

  • indoor and outdoor equipment meets standards

  • sand boxes are covered when not in use

  • wading pools are not permitted in the day home

  • yard is clean and tidy and kept from hazards: pet debris, yard equipment, tools, barbecues, poisonous plants, etc.

  • medication and vitamins must be stored under lock and key.  


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